EasyHearingAid by Link Advance&Innovation

The EasyHearingAid app can be used to amplify sound and enable others to experience a specific hearing loss. It features 13 channel sliders that can adjust the volume of select frequencies. The settings of the app can also be changed to help someone with normal hearing experience how hearing loss sounds. EasyHearingAid is $13.99 and can be foundhere.

Apps that Help with Tinnitus

Developers have created many apps to help with tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Here are a few examples:

Sensimetrics recently introduced a new app to provide relief from the sounds of tinnitus. The Whist app uses sound therapy to help the individual cope with the severity of the noises generated by tinnitus. Whist works by enabling the user to find and create sounds that match the pitch and loudness of the noises. Over time, the goal is to desensitize the individual to the annoyance of tinnitus.

The Whist app costs $1.99 and can be purchased through the App store by clicking here.

This App was designed by Neonix to help people match the tonal frequency of their tinnitus. As long as the sound of the tinnitus is tonal in nature, Tinnitus Measurer can match the frequency level and help the individual aid the audiologist in creating a treatment protocol. This App is free of charge and can be found here.

Tinnitus Masker provides a variety of sounds to help the individual 'mask' (drown out) the noises generated by tinnitus. Sounds include white noise, pink noise, crickets at night, waves on the beach, and more. It costs $5.99 and is located here.

This App employs a unique strategy to change the perceived level of tinnitus by 'mixing' the noises it generates with actual sounds of nature and music. With continued use, the goal of this treatment approach is to gradually diminish the individual's awareness of the noises generated by their particular type of tinnitus. Tinnitus Help costs $15.99 and can be found here.

Relax Melodies OP features 102 different sounds ranging from white noise to nature sounds. It is often used to facilitate relaxation, meditation, and sleep. This app costs $2.99 and can be foundhere.

An App to Provide Captioning on a Smartphone

The Hamilton CapTel® App is a new app that provides captioning for conversations on a smartphone. For more information on the Hamilton CapTel® App for iPhones, click here. For Android devices, click here.

An 'Out of this World' approach to Spotting the International Space Station right from where you live!

Siemens Hearing Aids Prices

Image provided courtesy of emptyglass of freedigitalphotos.net.